DCFonVideo: Butter N' Coffee (Food Vlog)
Produced by Lori Baltazar in cooperation with BongVideos Production (www.facebook.com/bongvideos) Directed and Edited by Bong Fernandez...

Dessert Comes First: Thai Bistro (3/7) #FoodVideos
Produced by Lori Baltazar Directed by Bong Fernandez Filmed and Edited by BongVideos Production #ThaiCuisine #LoriBaltazar

DCF On Video (Food Video)
Produced by Lori Baltazar Videographers: Macoy and Bong Director and Editor: Bong Fernandez #LoriBaltazar #DessertComesFirst

Almuerzo Especial (Food Video)
What is more engaging but to see your product being shown on social media like this food video presentation. #CazuelaRestaurant

Maria Del Carmen: House of Baked Mac (Food Videography)
A mother's love is a legacy that her kids would carry for the rest of their lives. Madel Ingles Guevarra would like to share to you what...